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Crowns & Bridges

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What are Crowns and Bridges?

A crown, or a “cap,” fits over an existing tooth. It requires restoration due to deep decay, a fracture, or a crack. At least three units make up a bridge: two crowns (abutments) fused to a pontic, or fake tooth, that replaces a missing tooth.

About Crowns & Bridges

It is pretty much possible to replace your lost teeth just like your natural teeth with the tooth-supported crowns and bridges. With our high standard milling technology, we can certainly provide you with the world’s best 3D Printed dental crowns and bridges. High strength and translucency are one of the pre requisites for a naturally looking crown bridge. Materials like layered Zirconia, Monolithic Zirconia, IPS Impress, Cercon, Procera, 3M Lava Elite, Zenostar help us in providing you the best. With our integrated technology, our crowns and bridges are super attractive and restore the tooth function precisely.

Benefits of Dental Crowns

  • Reduces pain/sensitivity caused by a cracked tooth
  • Prevents a crack from progressing and damaging the nerve of the tooth
  • Improves the aesthetics of damaged teeth or those with larges silver fillings
  • Improves occlusion (the bite) to prevent or ease pain from TMJ disorder

Benefits of a Fixed Bridge

  • Promotes a balanced bite, reducing the risk of excess stress on adjacent teeth
  • Allows Patients to eat with ease
  • Helps maintain the shape of the Patient’s face
  • Prevents adjacent teeth from shifting